Friday 10 December 2010

Cheesy cheesecake

Another all-time favourite up for orders, Chessecakes! For now only available in one flavour - Blueberry Chessecake. I'm working on a Cheescake Brownie and maybe, just maybe Lemon Cheesecake with Oreo. So watch this space for more flavours to come.

Blueberry Cheesecake 8" (1kg) at $40. Plump blueberries set in gelatine set on light and smooth cream cheese with a tint of lemon, on a bed of densely packed crumbled digestives biscuits. This is a non-baked cake and chilling is a must.

For orders, pls email me at or call/text/whatsapp me at 98432932, a week in advance :)