Monday 11 January 2010

the start of tasty things to come...

So yet another new year is here and I was thinking what can I do to make this year different from the last one...hmm start a blog to document my newly-discovered passion for making yummilicous food!! Unfortunately, I suck at writing and with my lack of discipline (aka laziness), I know keeping up with it will be challenging. On the other hand, I seem to have started a cult-following from posting my food pics on facebook. So to these bunch of nice and ever-so-encouraging friends, I dedicate this photojournalistic blog - filled with lots of yummy photos, with minimal text! This way, it works out well for everyone. I don't have to write heaps yet get to share my culinary experiences with you, at the same time, brush up on my photography skills. And you my dearest friends can click, look, drool :) enjoy!


The Pseudo Designer said...

Pictures pictures! And BTW that photo is HOT! :D

The Pseudo Designer said...

ooh to leave a comment you click the "number" in the brackets...